Diary of a Cute Face

an honest account of the daily happenings in my life, heart, and head...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Is that my blood?

I read a lot of books as a child! In fact, I used to own the entire Babysitter's Club series (I was so lame). Needless to say, my parents were the protective type and my mom might have been a tad paranoid that any ordinary childhood injury would lead to my immediate demise. I would definitely say that much of her paranoia has rubbed off on me as I still am terrified of heights, water, falling, etc. Hell, I am afraid of anything or any situation that could cause physical pain.

The only problem is that I might be one of the clumsiest people on the planet Earth.

Exhibit A: my first busted lip-

I am 26 years old with a professional career, and a non-abusive boyfriend. What the hell am I doing with a bloody lip? Well, I literally punched myself in the face with Phil's fist.

Exhibit B: The deadly weapon-

Seriously! I moved his fist into my lip by freakin' accident and my mouth started to gush this red liquid. Not only was I shocked to see blood but I was more surprised that I wasn't in tears. Apparently, bloody lips don't hurt. I did however find out that they bleed forever unless you rinse your mouth with Listerine. The man with the fist clued me into this trick after five minutes of me sticking Bounty behind my gums.

Anyway, I am secretly kinda proud of my busted lip as it is a symbol of my scrappiness (or my clumsy ass, whichever). I suppose the moral of the story is it is never too late to experience the childhood issues that I missed out on - even a bloody face.

TRC- Imitation is suicide...


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